Thanks to concerts thrown specifically for UCSB students throughout the school year, Gauchos do not even need to leave campus to experience live music. Performances featuring well-known artists and large crowds occur during Welcome Week, Halloween, and the first weekend of Spring quarter. Toward the end of May, an all-day festival called Extravaganza allows students to take a much-needed break from finals preparations. In addition to these large concerts, an small on-campus venue called The Hub hosts lesser known artists many times throughout the year for a more intimate experience. Most of the musical acts are hip-hop or EDM, but other genres are featured occasionally as well.

Student concerts are a great opportunity to see highly desirable performers without worrying about transportation or excessive ticket costs. The shows cost no more than $15 and are often free to attend. However, they are available for UCSB students only–a policy that is enforced by requiring an access card upon entry–so do not invite friends from out of town.